Happy Birthday Signature Rose!

June 7th is the official anniversary of Signature Rose. For almost 15 years I had talked about opening a signature studio. I started developing plans for a private studio in my down time, never knowing when would be the “right” time.

On May 12, 2023. I received the keys to go inside the new space and began painting. After a big breakfast and with the support of my friends, Mike, Tonya and I began painting the new studio space. Each stroke felt like a new beginning. A few days later the entire Levalley family would show up help do the heavy lifting and move in what today resembles the bones of Signature Rose. Of course tacos were on the menu that day and we enjoyed the hard work and supporting each other. The following couple weeks was spent developing the brand, searching for the right furniture, adding to the vision for my new studio space and creating comfort for the clients all while feeling as authentic as possible.

Over the next year, with a lot of long hours, dedication and commitment, it would all come together… one step at a time. Thankfully, the experience I had gained over the years would pour out into this new space day by day. I enjoyed a soft opening on May 30th but continued to stay focused and make progress developing infrastructure working tirelessly day and night until opening day and even then, only to breathe and enjoy the process.

On June 7th I saw the closest of friends and family show up for the ribbon cutting to support the studios official grand opening. They were the fresh breath I needed to continue to do this work! There were rose cupcakes, food, drinks, several special clients and friends. I celebrated with and was supported by the people closest to me as the studio opening was welcomed by the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce.

A year later, I am blessed to say everything is going very smoothly. This process has made me into a better owner, and shop keeper. This is such a great space for me! To me, since I am such a deep thinker, it feels much like a place to relax, enjoy meeting new people while cultivating those relationships. I have several clients whom I serve different generations of family members and it feels good to serve them here! I ‘m in love with the idea that I can be my best self here, artistically and our community can receive a quality tattoo in a clean and peaceful environment, with quiet chill music. It seems to be a place where life can slow down to the quiet hum of a tattoo machine and a movie at times. So far people seem to enjoy the art and the tattoo experience! Even fellow introverts can agree that this studio is welcoming to them! The clients have been great, and I feel like I am turning out my best work, while connecting with them and being able to support our community in various other ways. There’s always an opportunity to give back here at the studio from that deep place in my heart. Every year I have been able to offer a veteran a free tattoo on Veteran’s Day, unadvertised, usually choosing a client. But this year it filled my heart to serve three who were not. I am humbled by their service and their stories. I am truly touched in a way you cannot explain.

Lastly, I let my inner nerd show this year and offered a Star Wars experience. Loving movies and the legendary Star Wars experience from a small child, I offered a small piece of myself and showed how good it feels to be a little nerdy! Some of you may fully understand! I was thankful to be able to be a small part of the community and sponsor multiple events/not-for-profits as well as within the tattoo industry. I’m thankful that I am able to say I did it! I also believe I have not made it here on my own but am thankful that being a part of the tattoo industry and the community have lent to my success as a small business. I believe we are all here to help each other when we can, if it is within our own power. I have made many mistakes and chose to grow over the years, happy for each learning experience. I choose to see the bright side and can see that every experience continues to change and mold me into a better human. I am thankful for all of those in our community with whom I have crossed paths with. Every experience eventually has shown me a better way to live and just “be” in the world. I am grateful for every experience and am happy to see others succeed as well, as at times, I have felt as though I have succeeded along with those before me.

Now life seems very simple, it has always felt right to me to welcome others with a smile, be kind, knowing we never know what people are going through at any given moment truly. The best I can do is offer my best service and choose to do what I think is right at that time in my life each day. Coming to Muncie, Indiana near 2000, was one of the best moves I would make. This will be my 22nd year of owning a tattoo studio, 30+ years of tattooing and I’m still growing. I have learned so much here.

I love this space, truly! This year Signature Rose is 1 year old on June 7th. Thank you, for the constant support and a great year! Hopefully, with many more to come!!


New Release! Signature Rose Apparel


May the 4th be with you!